Saturday, March 14, 2009

I want that! #12

I want that.

When it comes to beer, there's only one brand that I truly, deeply love.  And that, my friends, is Samuel Adams.

With that, I would like to introduce you to their newest line of beers...the Imperial Series.  Each beer has a minimum alcohol percentage of 9%, so their a good, heavy beer.  It features Imperial Stout, Double Bock, and Imperial White.  I'm really looking forward to trying the Imperial Stout, personally.  Stouts are heavy but usually never a disappointment in the flavor department.

This series was just released, and you can find it an any of your local liquor stores.  


  1. A minimum of 9%??? Where do I get in line?

  2. I know right?!? Apparently I'll be getting some within the week...we will have to try some. :)
